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How Lifting Heavy Promotes Fat Loss.

Writer's picture: Beverley xBeverley x

It is great to see a huge shift in the fitness industry now with more and more women lifting heavy. It used to be like the free weights area was cornered off with big 'reserved' signs for huge body building guys doing bicep curls in the mirror. Now, the weights area provides a great place for everyone to get stronger, lose weight and feel better about themselves.

So how does heavy lifting promote long term fat loss?

1. Forces your body to continue to burn more calories after the session. During heavy lifting your muscles tissues are put under intense strain. This means your body must spend energy repairing and rebuilding muscles, increasing your calorie expenditure throughout the week.

2. Building strength increases motivation. By setting some strength goals, you have something to work towards. Every time you manage to lift an extra 10kg or get that first pull up; you feel so proud of yourself you become more motivated to get better each session. This means you begin to enjoy your training, become more consistent with it and guess what?! You finally manage to stick to that gym routine you have been promising yourself and finally start seeing the results you're after.

3. Lean Muscle = Higher Calorie Burn. Building lean muscle means your body will use more energy and burn more calories whilst you're just sat watching Friends re-runs for the 100th time. DO NOT be afraid of building some muscle - you will not look 'bulky'. You will not achieve a 'toned' bod without any muscle, nor will you build a nice firm peach by running on a treadmill every day.

4. Positive Effects on your Hormones. Heavy lifting promotes the production of testosterone (ladies don't be frightened of this word) and growth hormone. This again encourages your body to build more lean muscle & boosts fat metabolism oppose to lifting lighter weights for 20+ reps (body pump classes).

5. Can put you in a positive frame of mind. By becoming invested in your training you will start to see exercise as part of your lifestyle. This can then encourage you to eat better and see food as fuel for. your training. By creating this positive relationship will help you feel better, lose weight by sticking to a calorie deficit and not feel guilty if you happen to have a biscuit from Barbara at work so continue to demolish the whole pack with a side of Krispy Kremes!

6. Increases Confidence. Lifting heavy makes you feel like a bad mamma jamma. The more confidence you gain inside the gym the more confident you will feel outside of the gym too.

Moral of the story; Become comfortable lifting heavy stuff. Not only will this help with your fat loss goals but it will help with your bone strength, overall health and mood levels. Now I'm not saying don't do any cardio - far from it! Cardio is still a great tool for fat loss, health and fitness but it should be a tool to go alongside a good strength based programme.

Like the sound of weight training but don't know where to start? Take a look at IGNITE; my small group training programme for women.

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