I'm sure you have heard a million times how important it is to keep hydrated yet most people still aren't drinking enough fluids.
Being well hydrated helps keep the mind alert, improves physical performance, can decrease headaches & hangovers (winner) and aids weight loss.
Follow these quick tips to help increase your intake and help keep your body functioning to it's best.
1. Use water bottles. I personally am a bit of a water snob (I know I'm dead posh!) and drink loads of bottled water but one of the goods things with this is it is so easy to keep track. You can get 12x500ml bottles from Aldi for under 2pound! Pop a crate under your desk at work and aim to have at least 2 a day or make sure you fill up your bottle from the water fountain. Most offices will have a fountain so be sure to fill up at least twice whilst sat at your desk (good excuse to break from your computer too!)
2. Have a glass of water as soon as you wake up. Pop it at the side of your bed the night before so as soon as you wake up it is there. Then make sure you have finished it before you leave the room.
3. Set reminders on your phone. Sounds weird but setting a reminder on your phone (you can even get apps now to help) to prompt you to drink can help when you're busy distracted by other things.
4. Add in slices of fruit or sugar-free cordial to mix it up if plain water doesn't float your boat.
5. Eat hydrating foods such a watermelon & peaches. These are real water-rich foods which are also packed with vitamins & minerals to give all kinds of added benefits.
6. Drink when you are hungry. The body sometimes mistake thirst for hunger so before reaching for the cookies have a glass of water instead. Keeps you hydrated and keeps you away from the biscuit tin when trying to lose weight - win/win!! If you're still hungry at least you have had a few mins to re-think the biscuit idea & maybe opt for an apple instead!