Try these top tips to combat fatigue and boost your energy levels.
With our lives becoming increasingly hectic I'm finding more and more people struggling with energy levels and sleep problems. Try these 10 little tips to boost your energy and feel great again :)
1. Prioritise YOU. Arguably one of the most important factors on this list is to put yourself first. At least some of the time!!! I know life gets busy and families can be demanding but it is vital to take some time for yourself. Whether that be planning an exercise regime and STICKING TO IT or even booking a day off work (it can feel strangely liberating to have a day off mid-week with no real plans & just wander round town, find a quirky coffee shop & just chill!). Whatever works for you, make sure you take some time out, recharge & do whatever it is to keep you sane!
2. Better quality sleep. Again, seems obvious right?! Sleep more = more energy. But it isn't just the amount of sleep that is important; you should try to improve the quality of your sleep too. Try getting to bed at a similar time each night, regular exercise, sleeps apps such as 'headspace' etc.
3. B-Vitamins. One of the primary roles of B-vitamins is to help release energy from our food so making sure you get enough through our diet and/or supplements can help. There are 8 different B-vitamins which you can get through eating meat, eggs, milk, wholegrains & green vegetables. It is always best to prioritise getting our vitamins through foods we eat rather than supplements wherever possible.
4. Stay hydrated. I'm sure you have heard the importance of drinking enough water yet so many of us still aren't getting enough. Make a conscious effort to keep your hydration up. Click here for 6 ways to help you fit it in easily to your routine.
5. Move more. Keeping active during the day not only helps you sleep better at night but also releases endorphins to make us feel good. It is crazy how reliant we have become on our cars! I only noticed recently when I got a Fitbit watch and started tracking my steps - now I aim for at least 10,000 steps a day & can really feel the benefits!
Aim to exercise 3-5x a week & try little things such as walking with the kids to school, walking to pick up the milk from the shop, taking stairs instead of lifts etc they all add up!
6. Reduce stress. With our ever demanding lifestyles it is so important to reduce stress where you can. This can mean a quick 10min meditation, saying NO to plans you don't want to commit to, confront awkward conversations straight away rather than let them fester etc. Cutting out as much negativity as you can works wonders for the soul...positive vibes only please!
7. Get outdoors. Tons of research support the great outdoors for boosting energy levels & mindfulness whilst reducing stress & anxiety. Whether you take a power walk up Holcombe Hill (can be great to do solo to clear your head & think), take a trip to the coast (even if you live in England - swap the bikini for a raincoat & stroll along Formby beach) or just introduce the kids to 'kerby' (what a class game) it will always make you feel better.
8. Reduce simple carbohydrates. Simple carbohydrates such as processed foods, sugary drinks and chocolate make our blood sugars spike giving a sudden boost but then our energy crashes when they fall back down. Cutting back on these can help our bodies maintain a good balance which in turn reduces cravings when we're on our 'sugar come down' & helps our weight loss goals.
9. Chia seeds. Being hailed as a new 'superfood' due to their natural mix of fats, protein and fibre chia seeds are known to boost energy levels & help keep the body's sugar levels stable. Try adding them into your porridge, salad or smoothies.
10. Be kind to yourself. One easy way to drain yourself is to keep putting yourself down and being your own biggest critic. Whilst it is important to be self aware it is even more important to feel good about yourself. At the risk of sounding too 'airy fairy' make a list of all your best qualities & remind yourself how flipping fabulous you are & don't forget it!
Hope this helps,
Beverley xxx