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Beverley Bugeja | Owner

I believe fitness should enhance your lifestyle not take away from it which is why I wanted to create an environment where people love to train & encourage healthier lifestyles without making you live in boredom. I will not ask you to eat soggy chicken & broccoli every day but I will ask that you commit to the plan and work hard to help us get you to w here you want to be. 


I have a proven track record in helping clients lose fat & creating definition whilst seeing huge improvements in strength and fitness. At the unit we have a 'Goals board' where we write down a performance goal to work towards to ensure we are continually progressing. 


Once you start seeing improvements with your training (eg, achieving your first pull up or 5km run), your motivation soars, you become more committed to your exercise and nutrition and guess what? YOUR BODY TRANSFORMS. You will see the physical changes you have been wanting whilst gaining a lifestyle and attitude which will help you MAINTAIN  YOUR RESULTS and put an end to the yo-yo diet cycle

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